Should The Bible be in Our Schools?

Absolutely!  It is the greatest book the world has ever known! It is God’s Holy Word in print.

According to Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit, joints, and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”  II Timothy 3:16-17 also tells us, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” We believe God’s Word can and does transform lives.

As you know, Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters has mandated that The Bible be used in Oklahoma schools for public instruction. As appealing as that idea may be to Christian believers, it may not be the best method to reach non-believers.  You cannot mandate Christianity. Nor thankfully, can anyone mandate Islam or Buddhism or any other world religion to be followed in America. Though Ryan Walters is well-intentioned, it does concern me and other pastors that under-qualified people and even non-believers could teach the Bible.

I was in a group of local educators and pastors at a meeting Monday afternoon with Enid Public Schools Superintendent Dudley Darrow to discuss this topic. Many significant concerns were raised in that meeting regarding “unintended consequences” concerning the current mandate. Issues over who would teach The Bible, how often, which translation, what curriculum, and so on were considered.

The overall sense in the room was to lend support to our local school officials with current provisions in place. As I understand, a student can carry a Bible to school, teachers can have a Bible on their classroom bookcase and a copy on their desk, too. I would encourage our Willow View teachers to continue to be bold witnesses for Christ in that way. I also know teachers who put famous quotes on their walls from historical figures including the Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ.

Yes, we want everyone to benefit from God’s Holy Word! We also believe it is best taught at home and in our Bible-centered churches of Enid. I’m glad to be one of those, aren’t’ you?!

Looking forward to worshipping the Lord with you this Sunday. We’re having an all-church breakfast during the Discipleship Community/Sunday School hour where we will “promote” several children to their new Sunday School classes.  We will also honor our third-graders in worship by presenting them with their official “Third Grade Bible!”

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark

PS – I may have offered to place The Ten Commandments in every classroom in Enid Public Schools if requested, since we have them in our rooms now, too.

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