January 18th, 2024
by Pastor Mark McAdow
by Pastor Mark McAdow
By Pastor Mark McAdow
Yesterday we began our 50-Day Challenge, “Be Transformed,” with both a Wednesday morning small group at 9:30 a.m. and our evening "large group" in the sanctuary at 6 p.m. Next week we’ll divide our evening group into small groups, too.
The response has been very encouraging. I had ordered more books than ever for this 7-week study, and we sold out of books tonight. Praise God! Our desire to grow in our relationship with Jesus is a fantastic blessing. We’re off to a great start. Emily will be ordering more books today, so if you still want to jump on board or need a book, give her a call at the church at 580.234.4899 tomorrow before 2 p.m.
Pastor Rick Warren gave us a good overview of the study as we began thinking and praying about how to grow, specifically in our spiritual life. His final point resonated deeply with me. He said we as Christians all need to “pass on the good news of Jesus” to another person. He reminded us that someone passed on faith to us and someone before them passed on faith to them. He asked if we are going to be the one “to break the chain.” As I’ve said before, Christianity is only one generation from extinction in the natural realm. If we don’t pass on the faith to our children and their children and our neighbors and co-workers, who will? Lost people matter to God, so lost people should matter to us as well.
He offered us an exciting challenge last night. What if we began to pray and ask the Lord to help us pray and share our faith with just one other person this year? By the end of 2024, we could double our church family! Just one other person we’re committed to “loving to Jesus” by praying, developing a friendship, and sharing the love of Christ. It’s not that hard, but it takes commitment. Jesus said, “Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7-8). Wouldn’t it be great to have someone in heaven walk up to you and say, “I’m in heaven just because of you.” Wow! That’s an awesome thought.
We sold out of books last night, but more importantly we’re sold out to Jesus for eternity!
Yours in Christ’s love for a genuinely transformed life!
Pastor Mark
P.S.: Charge Conference at Willow View will be this Sunday, Jan. 21, at 2 p.m. Please join us for a brief gathering as I share with you and we elect new church leaders and approve our 2024 budget. Blessings!
Yesterday we began our 50-Day Challenge, “Be Transformed,” with both a Wednesday morning small group at 9:30 a.m. and our evening "large group" in the sanctuary at 6 p.m. Next week we’ll divide our evening group into small groups, too.
The response has been very encouraging. I had ordered more books than ever for this 7-week study, and we sold out of books tonight. Praise God! Our desire to grow in our relationship with Jesus is a fantastic blessing. We’re off to a great start. Emily will be ordering more books today, so if you still want to jump on board or need a book, give her a call at the church at 580.234.4899 tomorrow before 2 p.m.
Pastor Rick Warren gave us a good overview of the study as we began thinking and praying about how to grow, specifically in our spiritual life. His final point resonated deeply with me. He said we as Christians all need to “pass on the good news of Jesus” to another person. He reminded us that someone passed on faith to us and someone before them passed on faith to them. He asked if we are going to be the one “to break the chain.” As I’ve said before, Christianity is only one generation from extinction in the natural realm. If we don’t pass on the faith to our children and their children and our neighbors and co-workers, who will? Lost people matter to God, so lost people should matter to us as well.
He offered us an exciting challenge last night. What if we began to pray and ask the Lord to help us pray and share our faith with just one other person this year? By the end of 2024, we could double our church family! Just one other person we’re committed to “loving to Jesus” by praying, developing a friendship, and sharing the love of Christ. It’s not that hard, but it takes commitment. Jesus said, “Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7-8). Wouldn’t it be great to have someone in heaven walk up to you and say, “I’m in heaven just because of you.” Wow! That’s an awesome thought.
We sold out of books last night, but more importantly we’re sold out to Jesus for eternity!
Yours in Christ’s love for a genuinely transformed life!
Pastor Mark
P.S.: Charge Conference at Willow View will be this Sunday, Jan. 21, at 2 p.m. Please join us for a brief gathering as I share with you and we elect new church leaders and approve our 2024 budget. Blessings!
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