November 23rd, 2023
by Pastor Mark McAdow
by Pastor Mark McAdow
By Pastor Mark McAdow
I trust you are enjoying some time with family and friends this Thanksgiving Day. We have our son’s family visiting with us from Montana – I call them “The Montana McAdows” – Matt, Allie and Julian, as well as our Oklahoma family and a friend or two as well.
Today happens to be our grandson Julian’s first birthday and that is on Thanksgiving Day! He came a little early last year and spent several weeks in the NICU but is doing great now. Praise God! We are most thankful to the Lord for his precious life.
I hope you have much to be thankful for today as well. As I was praying with a friend this morning, several phrases came to mind. I am thankful for … clothes that fit, hot showers, warm beds, pantries and refrigerators filled with wholesome food, reliable transportation, good health overall and more than adequate shelter, gas in the car and some money in the bank. Family, friends and my faith in Jesus! No rockets falling in our neighborhood, or tanks and soldiers in the streets, no overflowing morgues holding family members or wondering where loved ones are being held hostage. We are blessed, my friends. I pray at your Thanksgiving table or hospital tray, you and I will remember in prayer those who are hurting today in Ukraine, Africa, Iceland, Israel, Gaza and varied places around this world.
Receive this favorite Thanksgiving Scripture that will be read again at our table today.
Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving! I’m so very thankful for you.
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
I trust you are enjoying some time with family and friends this Thanksgiving Day. We have our son’s family visiting with us from Montana – I call them “The Montana McAdows” – Matt, Allie and Julian, as well as our Oklahoma family and a friend or two as well.
Today happens to be our grandson Julian’s first birthday and that is on Thanksgiving Day! He came a little early last year and spent several weeks in the NICU but is doing great now. Praise God! We are most thankful to the Lord for his precious life.
I hope you have much to be thankful for today as well. As I was praying with a friend this morning, several phrases came to mind. I am thankful for … clothes that fit, hot showers, warm beds, pantries and refrigerators filled with wholesome food, reliable transportation, good health overall and more than adequate shelter, gas in the car and some money in the bank. Family, friends and my faith in Jesus! No rockets falling in our neighborhood, or tanks and soldiers in the streets, no overflowing morgues holding family members or wondering where loved ones are being held hostage. We are blessed, my friends. I pray at your Thanksgiving table or hospital tray, you and I will remember in prayer those who are hurting today in Ukraine, Africa, Iceland, Israel, Gaza and varied places around this world.
Receive this favorite Thanksgiving Scripture that will be read again at our table today.
“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful sounds. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” – Psalm 100
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
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